
Agriculture strategies/approaches.

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Submitted by Maria on

Vulnerability is the degree to which a system is susceptible to, and unable to cope with, adverse effects of climate change, including climate variability and extremes. The identification of vulnerable species and ecosystems is a critical step in long-term planning. A system's vulnerability is a function of its potential impacts and its adaptive capacity

As you make your own vulnerability determination, remember to think specifically about the vulnerability for your particular property.


Submitted by Maria on

A system's vulnerability is a function of its potential impacts and its adaptive capacity. Judging the potential impacts of climate change on a forest type or management topic will require you to consider two things: 

1. Exposure = the character, magnitude, and rate of changes that the system will experience. 

2. Sensitivity = the degree to which the system is likely to be affected by or responsive to those changes. 


Submitted by Maria on

Add a goal here. Management goals are broad, general statements of a desired state. Goals may include short and long-term goals for products or services provided from the land, business profitability, or stewardship of natural resources.


Submitted by Maria on

Step 5: Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of implemented actions

Monitoring is critical for understanding if management actions are effective over time or if management should be altered in the future to account for new information. The final step of the Adaptation Workbook is to identify monitoring items that may be used to answer these kinds of questions.


Submitted by Maria on

Are you going to continue with the adaptation tactics you have selected?

Take a step back and think about whether the adaptation tactics you selected will help address the management challenges that you identified in Step 3. Have you considered actions that will help address your primary challenges or take advantage of any opportunities?  Do your adaptation tactics seem feasible and effective?


Submitted by Maria on

Are you going to continue with the management objectives you have identified?

If you have high feasibility of meeting your management objectives and these objectives seem like they'll hold up under projected climate change impacts, proceed to Step 4.

If some or all of your management objectives have low feasibility, or if they no longer seem sensible under climate change (e.g., producing a commodity that has a high risk of failure), you may want to reconsider your management objectives or your broader goals.