Submitted by Maria on

Are you going to continue with the adaptation tactics you have selected?

Take a step back and think about whether the adaptation tactics you selected will help address the management challenges that you identified in Step 3. Have you considered actions that will help address your primary challenges or take advantage of any opportunities?  Do your adaptation tactics seem feasible and effective?

  • If you feel comfortable with your list of adaptation tactics and these actions seem like they'll address your major challenges and opportunities, proceed to Step 5.
  • If you've recommended tactics with low practicability, you may want to record the reasons why you are proceeding with that tactic.
  • If there are major climate change challenges that you haven't addressed, you may want to evaluate additional adaptation approaches and tactics before moving on to Step 5. Read the Adaptation Strategies and Approaches in Adaptation Resources for Agriculture, read other resources on climate change adaptation, and consult with colleagues to identify other viable actions.


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