
Agriculture strategies/approaches.

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Submitted by Maria on

The impacts listed below are a collection of expected climate change impacts for this particular land use type in your region. Click on the "Show Evidence" links to learn more.

These impacts apply generally across wide areas, but they may be more or less important for your particular project because of specific conditions or features associated with the project area.

Drawing on your experience and knowledge of your location, describe how you might expect the broad impacts to be modified on your farm or project area.


Submitted by Maria on

The impacts listed below are a collection of expected climate change impacts for your region. Click on the "Show Evidence" links to learn more.

These impacts apply generally across wide areas, but they may be more or less important for your particular project area because of specific conditions or features associated with the location or your farm or project area.


Submitted by Maria on

If you have overall goals that are important for your entire property or that apply to more than one land use type, you can enter those goals here and link them to the appropriate land uses or management topics. Then you'll be prompted to create more specific objectives in the following sections of this step. 


Submitted by Maria on

Because you're working on an agriculture project, the Adaptation Workbook suggested several land uses that might occur on your farm or project area. You can select any of these that apply to your property or project. If none of these land uses apply to you, use the section below to add your own custom land use types or manangement topics


Submitted by Maria on

After taking a moment to review the impacts you identified in the previous step, click the "Determine Vulnerability" button to assess the vulnerability of this particular land use type or management topic. You can assume that the regional climate impacts will also apply to this land use type or management topic. 

As you make your own vulnerability determination, remember to think specifically about the vulnerability for your particular farm or project area.


Submitted by Maria on

In this section, you'll build a monitoring plan by thinking about useful monitoring items for this particular land use type or management topic.

Try to focus on ideas that are realistic and feasible, and also try to zero in on key ideas that are most important for determining trends or effectiveness, rather than trying to monitor anything and everything.