Submitted by Maria on

Are you going to continue with the management objectives you have identified?

If you have high feasibility of meeting your management objectives and these objectives seem like they'll hold up under projected climate change impacts, proceed to Step 4.

If some or all of your management objectives have low feasibility, or if they no longer seem sensible under climate change (e.g., producing a commodity that has a high risk of failure), you may want to reconsider your management objectives or your broader goals.

  • If you'd like to create new goals or objectives, use the information you've gathered up to this point to create goals and objectives that are more likely to succeed across a range of climate change scenarios.
  • If you're still going to continue with objectives that have low feasibility, you might want to provide a short explanation of your decision.
  • You can make all these notes in the "Feasibility" section of Step 3. 


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