
Agriculture strategies/approaches.

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The growing season in the Mid-Atlantic is generally expected to increase by 21 days or more by the end of the century, due to fewer days with a minimum temperatures below 32°F.

Submitted by sdhandler on

Evidence at both global and local scales indicates that growing seasons have been getting longer, and this trend is projected to become even more pronounced over the next century. Warmer temperatures will result in fewer days with minimum temperatures below 32°F and a shorter freeze-free season. Winter or early-spring warmth has caused plants to start growing and emerge from winter dormancy earlier in the spring.

Temperatures in the Mid-Atlantic region are projected to increase on average by 5.27 to 9.11 °F by the end of the century.

Submitted by sdhandler on

Temperatures in the Mid-Atlantic region (and across the broader Northeast) are projected to increase on average by 5.27 to 9.11 °F by the end of the century (2070 to 2099), with the greatest warming expected to occur during summer and fall. More warming (9.11 °F) is projected under a high climate scenario (RCP 8.5) and more moderate warming (5.27 °F) is projected under a moderate climate scenario (RCP 4.5).

Regional climate trends and scenarios for the U.S. National Climate Assessment: Climate of the Northeast U.S.

This document is one of series of regional climate descriptions designed to provide input that can be used in the development of the National Climate Assessment (NCA). There are two components of these descriptions. One component is a description of the historical climate conditions in the region. The other component is a description of the climate conditions associated with two future pathways of greenhouse gas emissions based on IPCC emission scenarios.

Damage from strong storms and sea-level rise may increase in Pacific islands by the end of the century.

Submitted by sdhandler on

Sea level in Hawai'i is projected to rise an additional 1-4 feet by 2100, with increases accelerating strongly after mid-century. In the most extreme scenarios, it is possible that sea level may rise by as much as 8 feet by 2100. Sea-level rise and related increases in storm surges pulsing farther inland will result in land loss in low-lying coastal areas and may result in excessive saltwater inundation of coastal forests.

Climate models generally project that El Nino-like conditions will occur more frequently under climate change in the Pacific region.

Submitted by sdhandler on

The El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) causes year-to-year changes in climate, with impacts to sea level, precipitation, and storm frequency. Climate models suggest a possible doubling of these extreme events in the 21st century, with El Niño-like conditions projected to occur more frequently. After an El Niño, Hawai'i generally experiences drier conditions from January-March. A La Niña often brings wetter conditions from December-February. An El Niño phase is characterized by decreased trade wind activity, which allows warm waters to flow west to east.

During the 21st century, changes in average annual precipitation are projected to be slight, with potential increases in the southern part of the region and decreases possible in the northern Pacific.

Submitted by sdhandler on

By 2100, under a high emissions scenario, rainfall in wet areas is expected to increase (from small increases to more than 30% increases), while rainfall in dry areas is expected to decrease (from small decreases to decreases of up to 60%). Future precipitation patterns are difficult to project for Hawai'i, due to its steep topography and small-scale variations in climate. Overall precipitation has been trending downward in recent decades, with the sharpest downward trends occurring on western Hawai'i island.

By mid-century, temperatures in Hawai'i are expected to rise by 1-3 degrees F. By late century, under a high emissions scenario, temperatures are expected to rise by 4-5 degrees F.

Submitted by sdhandler on

Temperatures in Hawai'i have warmed by 0.76 degrees F over the past 100 years. Periods of warming and cooling have occurred over the past century, with a statistically significant trend toward warmer temperatures. Warming is occurring at both high and low elevations, although higher elevation areas have been warming faster than lower elevations over the past 30 years. Much of the warming can be attributed to higher minimum temperatures.

The freeze-free season is expected to increase by 30 days across much of Alaska by the middle of the century.

Submitted by sdhandler on

The freeze-free season is defined as the period of time between the last spring frost (daily minimum temperature below 32 degrees F) and the first fall frost. The length of the annual freeze-free season has been increasing since the 1980s, and all climate models agree that it will continue to increase in the future. Increases of 15-25 days are projected for southwestern and south-central parts of the state, with the growing season extending to more than 200 days in a large portion of southwestern Alaska.