Non-Forested Wetlands

Non-Forested Wetlands

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Seasonal variation in soil moisture and altered precipitation may influence the magnitude and duration of flood events.

Submitted by dshannon on

Flood risks for are expected to increase and may threaten the quality of ecosystems, wildlife, property, infrastructure, human health and safety. The potential for flooding is expected to increase in many areas as a result of more frequent and longer-duration heavy precipitation events, particularly when soils are already saturated. The frequency of multiple high flow days in a row are expected to increase by 18% to 19% by end of century (low (RCP 4.5) to high emissions scenario (RCP 8.5) as compared to historical baseline (1951-2005)) (Demaria 2016).

Low streamflow events may become more frequent and deliver lower water volumes

Submitted by dshannon on

Daily low flows are projected to become more frequent in the upper Midwest, with projected annual increases of 17 to 27% by end of century (under a low RCP 4.5 and high emissions scenario RCP 8.5) as compared to a historical baseline (1951-2005) (Demaria et al, 2016). Altered winter precipitation that results in in less snow, earlier snowmelt and more variable seasonal precipitation may change soil water storage and groundwater recharge rates.

Seasonal variation in soil moisture and altered precipitation may influence the magnitude and duration of flood events.

Submitted by dshannon on

Flood risks for the upper Midwest are expected to increase and may threaten the quality of ecosystems, wildlife, property, infrastructure, human health and safety. The potential for flooding is expected to increase in many areas as a result of more frequent and longer-duration heavy precipitation events, particularly when soils are already saturated. The frequency of multiple high flow days in a row are expected to increase by 20% to 23% by end of century (low (RCP 4.5) to high emissions scenario (RCP 8.5) as compared to historical baseline (1951-2005)) (Demaria 2016).

Low streamflow events may become more frequent and deliver lower water volumes

Submitted by dshannon on

Daily low flows are projected to change in the Central Hardwoods, projections indicate a slight increase or a slight decrease annually from 5 to negative 4% by end of century (under a low RCP 4.5 and high emissions scenario RCP 8.5) as compared to a historical baseline (1951-2005) (Demaria et al, 2016). Altered winter precipitation that results in in less snow, earlier snowmelt and more variable seasonal precipitation may change soil water storage and groundwater recharge rates.

Seasonal variation in soil moisture and altered precipitation may influence the magnitude and duration of flood events.

Submitted by dshannon on

Flood risks for the Central Hardwoods are expected to increase and may threaten the quality of ecosystems, wildlife, property, infrastructure, human health and safety. The potential for flooding is expected to increase in many areas as a result of more frequent and longer-duration heavy precipitation events, particularly when soils are already saturated. The frequency of multiple high flow days in a row are expected to increase by 18% to 17% by end of century (low (RCP 4.5) to high emissions scenario (RCP 8.5) as compared to historical baseline (1951-2005)) (Demaria 2016).

Seasonal variation in soil moisture and altered precipitation may influence the magnitude and duration of flood events.

Submitted by dshannon on

Flood risks for the upper Midwest are expected to increase and may threaten the quality of ecosystems, wildlife, property, infrastructure, human health and safety. The potential for flooding is expected to increase in many areas as a result of more frequent and longer-duration heavy precipitation events, particularly when soils are already saturated. The frequency of multiple high flow days in a row are expected to increase by 20% to 23% by end of century (low (RCP 4.5) to high emissions scenario (RCP 8.5) as compared to historical baseline (1951-2005)) (Demaria 2016).

Low streamflow events may become more frequent and deliver lower water volumes

Submitted by dshannon on

Daily low flows are projected to become more frequent in the upper Midwest, with projected annual increases of 17 to 27% by end of century (under a low RCP 4.5 and high emissions scenario RCP 8.5) as compared to a historical baseline (1951-2005) (Demaria et al, 2016). Altered winter precipitation that results in in less snow, earlier snowmelt and more variable seasonal precipitation may change soil water storage and groundwater recharge rates.

Seasonal variation in soil moisture and altered precipitation may influence the magnitude and duration of flood events.

Submitted by dshannon on

Flood risks for the upper Midwest are expected to increase and may threaten the quality of ecosystems, wildlife, property, infrastructure, human health and safety. The potential for flooding is expected to increase in many areas as a result of more frequent and longer-duration heavy precipitation events, particularly when soils are already saturated. The frequency of multiple high flow days in a row are expected to increase by 20% to 23% by end of century (low (RCP 4.5) to high emissions scenario (RCP 8.5) as compared to historical baseline (1951-2005)) (Demaria 2016).

Low streamflow events may become more frequent and deliver lower water volumes

Submitted by dshannon on

Daily low flows are projected to become more frequent in the upper Midwest, with projected annual increases of 17 to 27% by end of century (under a low RCP 4.5 and high emissions scenario RCP 8.5) as compared to a historical baseline (1951-2005) (Demaria et al, 2016). Altered winter precipitation that results in in less snow, earlier snowmelt and more variable seasonal precipitation may change soil water storage and groundwater recharge rates.

Inland lakes are warming, and continued warming will decrease seasonal mixing of stratified lakes and reduce available dissolved oxygen

Submitted by dshannon on

Inland lakes are warming on average 0.34°C per decade (O’Reilly 2015, observed 1985-2009) and are projected to warm by as much as 2.9 to 3.02°F in stratified lakes by end of century under three climate models and a high (A2) emissions scenario (Herb 2014). Lake warming is correlated with air temperature trends (Winslow 2017); however, individual lakes are expected to respond differently based upon size, clarity, depth, elevation, sheltering from wind, and adjacent land-uses.