
Urban strategies and approaches.

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The freeze-free season is expected to increase by 30 days across much of Alaska by the middle of the century.

Submitted by sdhandler on

The freeze-free season is defined as the period of time between the last spring frost (daily minimum temperature below 32 degrees F) and the first fall frost. The length of the annual freeze-free season has been increasing since the 1980s, and all climate models agree that it will continue to increase in the future. Increases of 15-25 days are projected for southwestern and south-central parts of the state, with the growing season extending to more than 200 days in a large portion of southwestern Alaska.

By the end of the century, average annual precipitation is projected to increase across Alaska.

Submitted by sdhandler on

There is general agreement between different climate scenarios for future precipitiation projections in Alaska. Generally, the largest increase is projected for the far northwest of the state and the smallest changes in the Inside Passage region. By the end of the century, precipitation increases range from 10% to 35% in different parts of the state. Spring precipitation is actually projected to decrease in some scenarios, but there is generally high uncertainty between future projections.

Temperatures in Alaska are projected to increase by 3.5 to 13.5 degrees Fahrenheit by 2085.

Submitted by sdhandler on

Alaska has warmed twice as fast as the rest of the U.S. over the past several decades. All climate models agree that temperatures are projected to increase over the 21st century across Alaska, with larger increases projected for later in the century. The greatest warming is expected in northern Alaska, with less warming projected for the southeast part of the state. The greatest warming is expected during winter months, with less dramatic increases expected during the summer.

Climate change will amplify many existing stressors to forest ecosystems in the Southwest, such as invasive species, insect pests and pathogens, and disturbance regimes.

Submitted by sdhandler on

Invasive plants, forest pests, diseases, droughts, and floods are expected to become more damaging under climate change, and these factors may interact in unpredictable ways. Drought and increased temperatures due to climate change have caused extensive tree death across the Southwest. In addition, winter warming due to climate change has exacerbated bark beetle outbreaks by allowing more beetles, which normally die in cold weather, to survive and reproduce. Wildfire and bark beetles killed trees across 20% of Arizona and New Mexico forests from 1984 to 2008.

Warmer temperatures, reduced snowpack, and greater water demand for agriculture may reduce available water for natural ecosystems in the Southwest.

Submitted by sdhandler on

Water is central to the region’s productivity. Winter snowpack, which slowly melts and releases water in spring and summer, when both natural ecosystems and people have the greatest needs for water, is key to the Southwest’s hydrology and water supplies. Over the past 50 years across most of the Southwest, there has been less late-winter precipitation falling as snow, earlier snowmelt, and earlier arrival of most of the year’s streamflow.

The freeze-free season is expected to increase by 20 to 35 days in the Southwest by the middle of the century.

Submitted by sdhandler on

The freeze-free season is defined as the period of time between the last spring frost (daily minimum temperature below 32 degrees F) and the first fall frost. The length of the annual freeze-free season has been increasing since the 1980s, and all climate models agree that it will continue to increase in the future. The largest increases are projected for the interior of California.

The frequency of intense precipitation will increase in the Southwest in the future.

Submitted by sdhandler on

The Southwest has already experienced a modest increase in some measures of heavy precipitation, thought not to the extent of other regions. For example, storms in the 99th-percentile category increased by 10% from 1958 to 2016 across the region. Intense rainfall is expected to continue to occur more frequently in the future, even though overall precipitation is expected to decline. For example, large rain events that historically had an expected return of 5 years are expected to occur twice as often by the end of the century, under a high emission scenario (RCP 8.5).

By the end of the century, average annual precipitation is projected to decrease substantially in the southern half of the Southwest. Some areas would receive more precipitation as rain instead of snow.

Submitted by sdhandler on

There is uncertainty between different climate scenarios for future precipitation projections in the Southwest. Generally, there is a south-to-north gradient in annual precipitation projections, with decreases projected from central California, Nevada, Utah, and Colorado to the south. Decreases are largest in southern California, Arizona, and New Mexico (3-12%). The northern half of the region is projected to experience no change or a slight (0-3%) increase in annual precipitation.

Climate conditions may increase wildfire risks in in the Southwest by the end of the century.

Submitted by sdhandler on

Although many ecosystems require fire, excessive wildfire can permanently alter ecosystem integrity. Climate change has led to an increase in the area burned by wildfire in the western United States. Climate change has driven the wildfire increase particularly by drying forests and making them more susceptible to burning. With continued greenhouse gas emissions, models project more wildfire across the Southwest region.