
Urban strategies and approaches.

Taxonomy Machine Name
Taxonomy Alias

Chicago Wilderness region urban forest vulnerability assessment and synthesis: A report from the Urban Forestry Climate Change Response Framework Chicago Wilderness pilot project

The urban forest of the Chicago Wilderness region, a 7-million-acre area covering portions of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin, will face direct and indirect impacts from a changing climate over the 21st century. This assessment evaluates the vulnerability of urban trees and natural and developed landscapes within the Chicago Wilderness region to a range of future climates. We synthesized and summarized information on the contemporary landscape, provided information on past climate trends, and illustrated a range of projected future climates.


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Land uses that do not fall into one of the categories listed above.


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Includes limited access roadways and related green spaces (such as interstate highways with on and off ramps, sometimes fenced); railroad stations, tracks and yards; shipyards; airports; etc.


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Streams, rivers, lakes, and other water bodies (natural or man-made).


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Power-generating facilities, sewage treatment facilities, covered and uncovered reservoirs, and empty stormwater runoff retention areas, flood control channels, conduits.