Model projections are limited for most dominant species, but tend to project increases in suitable habitat for many species within the large stream floodplain and riparian forest ecosystem.

Submitted by dshannon on

Many riverine species in this forest type were modeled only by the Tree Atlas; thus evidence is somewhat limited regarding dominant species. Black willow, green ash, sweetgum, and sycamore are projected to increase in suitable habitat over much of the Central Appalachians. Silver maple had mixed results, but is projected to generally decrease in suitable habitat under low climate scenarios and increase under high climate scenarios. Eastern cottonwood and bur oak occurred at sufficient densities to be modeled only in the Ohio portion of the Central Appalachians, and are projected to decrease slightly under low climate scenarios and increase under high climate scenarios. Pin oak, also adequately abundant only in Ohio, is projected to increase and expand into West Virginia, where pin oak swamps currently exist in isolated locations.