
Urban strategies and approaches.

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Submitted by sdhandler on

Cropland, pasture, orchards, vineyards, nurseries, farmsteads and related buildings, feed lots, rangeland, timberland/plantations that show evidence of management activity for a specific crop or tree production are included.


Submitted by sdhandler on

Parks include undeveloped (unmaintained) as well as developed areas.

Commercial/ Industrial

Submitted by sdhandler on

In addition to standard commercial and industrial land uses, this category includes outdoor storage/staging areas as well as parking lots in downtown areas that are not connected with an institutional or residential use.

Street trees

Submitted by sdhandler on

Trees planted along medians/boulevards/tree lawns in between a sidewalk and a road in commercial or residential areas.

Southern or temperate species are expected to be favored by climate change in the Mid-Atlantic Region.

Submitted by sdhandler on

Model results project that species currently near their northern range limits in the region may become more abundant and more widespread under a range of climate futures. Results from forest impact models suggest that species such as bitternut hickory, black oak, bur oak, and white oak may have increases in both suitable habitat and biomass, and some deciduous forest types have the potential for productivity increases across the assessment area.