Forest [FAR1]

Legacy FAR1 strategy/approaches.

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Some tree species may be more likley to persist or become more competative through the end of the century , including white pine, red maple, and some northern hardwood species.

Submitted by Maria on

These species all tolerate a fairly wide range of conditions. Multiple forest impact models tend to agree that these species are more likely to increase or remain stable in suitable habitat and biomass under a mild climate scenario, but these species may fare worse under a hotter, drier future climate scenario.

Many of the dominant tree species are expected to decline by the end of the century, including red spruce and balsam fir.

Submitted by Maria on

These are northern species near their southern range limits in New England and northern New York. Multiple forest impact models tend to agree that these species are more likely to decline in suitable habitat and biomass across a range of climate scenarios by the end of the century. Impacts from climate change are projected to be less severe in the northern part of the region allowing the dominant species to persist in some areas.

Climate change may lead to decreased habitat or altered species composition in low-elevation spruce-fir forests.

Submitted by Maria on

This forest type is strongly associated with cold climates and is widespread across northern New England and New York. These forests may be particularly susceptible to warmer temperatures and longer growing seasons. The future climate is expected to be less suitable for the northern and boreal conifer species, while more favorable for many hardwood species that are a component of these forests. Enhanced stress and changes in competitive relationships among tree species are likely to alter forest composition.

Changes in herbivore populations may also have substantial effects on forest growth and composition.

Submitted by Maria on

Changes in snowfall amount and duration throughout the assessment area may change the wintertime foraging behavior for herbivores such as moose, white-tailed deer, and snowshoe hare. Moose are expected to be negatively affected by numerous changes in the future, including heat stress and increased parasitism from winter ticks. In contrast, deer may benefit in many parts of the region as warmer winter temperatures and reduced snow depth increase access to winter forage.

Warmer temperatures may allow balsam woolly adelgid to increase, while dampening the effects of the eastern spruce budworm in the northern New England and New York.

Submitted by Maria on

Many insect species are limited by extremely cold temperatures, and evidence suggests that several insect species may increase in a warmer climate, including the balsam woolly adelgid. At the same time, the native spruce budworm may be reduced under the warmer conditions expected in the future as its range shifts farther northward into Canada.

Montane spruce-fir forests are especially vulnerable at lower elevations or more southern latitude

Submitted by Maria on

The presence of this forest at high latitudes and elevations presents little opportunity for the community to move to new habitats. This is particularly true in southern New England, where this community is highly fragmented and exists primarily on isolated mountaintops. A temperature increase of 5 °F could eliminate all habitat from Massachusetts. Less substantial impacts are projected to be less in the northern part of the assessment area, such as in Maine, where the dominant species are expected to persist in some areas.

Montane spruce-fir forests may lose suitable habitat to other forest types as temperatures and growing seasons increase.

Submitted by Maria on

This type is strongly associated with the coldest and most extreme climates. Reductions in snowpack may reduce soil moisture availability in the spring or increase the probability of root damage during freeze-thaw events. Increases in extreme storm events may lead to enhanced tree mortality from disturbance.