Submitted by sdhandler on

Step 1.2: Define your current management objectives

The Adaptation Workbook is designed to help you think clearly about your existing goals and objectives. The rest of the process will depend on the information you provide on this page, so please think carefully and provide as much detail as necessary to capture your management intentions.

The Workbook requires at least one goal and objective for each category you created in Step 1.1. If you have general goals that apply to the entire property or project area, you can enter those goals in the “Property-wide Goals” section and link them to specific land cover types, ecosystems or management topics. 

If you already have a plan, such as an urban forest management plan or street tree master plan, you can use those goals and objectives as a starting point. If you need help designing management goals and objectives for your property, you might want to visit the Urban Forest Management Plan Toolkit to learn more. 

For example:

A management goal is a broad, general statement of desired future tree resources or community programs for your urban forest. Example goals might be to: “Attain 35 percent canopy cover by the year 2020” or “Street tree composition has no more than 20 percent in one family, 10 percent in one genus, and 5 percent of one species by 2025.”

A management objective is a statement of measurable, planned results. Objectives are like specific targets for achieving the overall goal. Example objectives might be to: “maintain most of all of the existing canopy cover through a 5-year pruning schedule on all street trees” or “Plant 10,000 trees per year over the next 10 years.”

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