Non-Forested Wetlands

Non-Forested Wetlands

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Dry Prairie is moderately vulnerable to climate change. This natural community is adapted to warmer temperatures and drought. The uncertainties surrounding wildfire on the landscape and woody species invasion, poses the greatest threats to this community.

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Dry Prairie is moderately vulnerable to climate change (when evaluated in low to high climate change emissions scenarios). Many of the dominant species of a Dry Prairie natural community are well-adapted to warmer temperatures and drought. Although threat of drought is projected to increase, plants adapted to growing on infertile soils exhibit tolerance to drought; drought tolerance may be lesser on sandstone-derived soils than on sites underlain by dolomite. This drought tolerance may also help native prairie plants compete with invaders. .

Bracken Grassland is mod-low to moderately vulnerable to climate change. This drought tolerant community is generally hardy, occurring on nutrient poor sites. Although changing climate may alter the flora and structure, shifting to more trees and brush.

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Bracken Grassland is moderately low to moderately vulnerable to climate change (when evaluated in low to high climate change emissions scenarios). This natural community occurs on nutrient poor sites with a history of disturbance, where non-native species are dominant alongside native weedy species. These generalist species may prove to be hardy in the face of a changing climate. Changes in community structure are a significant threat, mainly due to increasing cover from trees and brush.

Climate change may increase the frequency and intensity of storm events, causing flooding and runoff of nutrients from agricultural fields and lawns, sediment from fields and streambanks, and salt from roads and sidewalks.

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Precipitation in winter is projected to more often be rain or freezing rain than snow, further increasing the threat of runoff if rain falls on frozen ground. Nutrient enrichment and sedimentation are among the leading causes of degradation of wet and wet-mesic prairies, and may also negatively impact upland grasslands by favoring non-native invasive and aggressive native species. Erosion may occur on steep slopes during extreme storm events, especially after a prescribed burn.


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Grassland is a natural community group that broadly characterizes several distinct natural communities. Grassland broadly includes: Bracken Grassland, Dry Prairie, Dry-mesic Prairie, Mesic Prairie, Sand Prairie, Wet Prairie, Wet-mesic prairie natural communities. Grasslands with high floral diversity that occur within large open landscapes may fare best: plants may shift locations and composition may fluctuate over time based on responses to climatic variables. This adaptive capacity is further enhanced if a site has (micro)topographical diversity.

Non-native invasive plants may increase in productivity and may invade into new areas.

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Non-native invasive plants may increase in productivity with increasing atmospheric CO2, warmer temperatures, longer growing seasons, and milder winters, and may invade new areas during extreme flood events. For grasslands in lower landscape positions, agricultural run-off may also enhance growth of non-native invasive plants.

Native grasslands are fire-dependent natural communities. Climate change projections suggest that burn day options may shift to earlier in the spring or to other seasons.

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Prescribed fire is a very important tool for maintaining grasslands. The frequency, intensity, and timing of precipitation and drought will be major determinants of where and when managers can burn. Earlier and potentially wetter springs combined with rapid warm-up could reduce opportunities for prescribed burning. This could require a shift to burning at different times of year (if feasible).

Longer growing seasons, warmer temperatures, and greater water demand for agriculture may reduce available water for natural ecosystems in the Southern Plains.

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Water is central to the region’s productivity. Projected increases in winter and spring precipitation in the Southern Plains may benefit productivity by increasing water availability through soil moisture reserves during the early growing season. The Southern Plains will remain vulnerable to periodic drought because much of the projected increase in precipitation is expected to occur in the cooler months while increasing temperatures will result in additional evapotranspiration.

The freeze-free season is expected to increase by 18 to 30 days in the Southern Great Plains by the middle of the century.

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The freeze-free season is defined as the period of time between the last spring frost (daily minimum temperature below 32 degrees F) and the first fall frost. The length of the annual freeze-free season has been increasing since the 1980s, and all climate models agree that it will continue to increase in the future. The largest increases are projected for southeastern Texas, where the freeze-free season could be 30 days longer.

Average annual precipitation projections suggest small changes in the Southern Plains region, with slightly wetter winters, particularly in the north of the region, and drier summers.

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By mid-century, summer precipitation is expected to decrease by 5-15% for much of Kansas, Oklahoma, and northern Texas, and increase by as much as 15% in central Texas. The means of several climate models indicate that winter and spring precipitation may increase by up to 10% percent by mid-century across most of the region, although southwest Texas may see decreases during these seasons. Under mild climate scenarios, changes are generally smaller than in more extreme climate scenarios.

The number of days per year with more than 1 inch of precipitation will increase across the Southern Great Plains by the middle of the century.

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The frequency and intensity of heavy precipitation events are anticipated to continue to increase, particularly under higher scenarios and later in the century. Most of the Southern Great Plains region is projected to experience 0 to 30% more days each year with more than an inch of precipitation by the middle of the century. Days with more than 2 inches, 3 inches, and 4 inches of precipitation are also expected to occur more regularly. Rare events, such as 100-year floods, may also become more common.