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Many associated species in the north-central interior beech/maple forest ecosystem are projected to remain stable under a range of future climates.

Submitted by dshannon on

Models project that American beech, sugar maple, and eastern hemlock (occurring locally Ohio) will remain relatively stable under low climate scenarios, but will lose suitable habitat, growth potential, and volume in the assessment area under high climate scenarios. These species are vulnerable to the direct changes in temperature and precipitation, and are susceptible to increased moisture stress and other indirect impacts of climate change.

Central hardwood-pine

Submitted by sdhandler on

These forests are found in dry to mesic conditions across a variety of sites in southern New England. Dominant species may include several oak species, especially red, white, black, or scarlet oak, and other hardwood species.

Northern hardwood

Submitted by sdhandler on

Northern hardwood forests are widely distributed over a variety of sites with dry-mesic to wet-mesic conditions and nutrient-poor to rich soils. This forest type is generally found at low to moderate elevations. Species that are commonly dominant include sugar maple, yellow birch, American beech, eastern hemlock, and red spruce.

White pine

Submitted by sdhandler on

Stands are dominated by eastern white pine. Some stands may include a component of eastern hemlock or northern red oak and white ash.

Upland spruce-fir

Submitted by sdhandler on

Stands are generally dominated by white spruce (occasionally black spruce or Norway spruce). Some stands may have co-dominant tree species such as balsam fir or quaking aspen.

Red pine

Submitted by sdhandler on

Stands are dominated by red pine. Some stands have an oak component in the understory and sometimes as a co-dominant.


Submitted by sdhandler on

Stands are dominated by one or more oak species. Aspen, eastern white pine, and other species may be co-dominant in some stands.

Northern hardwoods

Submitted by sdhandler on

Forests are composed largely of sugar and red maple. Eastern hemlock, yellow birch, basswood, red oak, and black cherry are common associates, found in varying amounts based upon site conditions.