Forest Carbon Management

Forest Carbon Management

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Shrub-carr is low to moderately-low vulnerable to climate change. Although shrub-carr is generally adapted to short-term water level fluctuations, high water over the long-term could convert some sites to marsh.

Submitted by dshannon on

More frequent large rain events could increase sedimentation and soil disturbance, leading to increases in non-native invasive species. Nutrient loading of both groundwater and surface water could also fuel invasives. Potential changes in precipitation patterns and groundwater infiltration could alter hydrologic regimes. Although shrub-carr is generally adapted to short-term water level fluctuations, high water over the long-term could convert some sites to the marsh.

Poor Fen is moderate to highly vulnerable to climate change. Increasing temperatures may lead to more water loss through evaporation, altering delicate hydrologic balances.

Submitted by dshannon on

Increasing temperatures may lead to more water loss through evaporation, altering delicate hydrologic balances. However, with similar to slightly increased precipitation and higher groundwater recharge projected, hydrologic changes may be minimal. If water levels do rise or drop over time, sites with floating "bog" mats may be able to fluctuate naturally. Nutrient enrichment through changing land use and groundwater pollution may be one of the greatest threats and could increase non-native invasive species. However, several factors may reduce vulnerability.

Pattered Peatland is moderate to highly vulnerable to climate change. Warming temperatures may cause peat drying and decomposition, increasing the risk of invasive species.

Submitted by dshannon on

Warmer temperatures may increase water losses, but potentially increasing groundwater recharge could offset higher rates of evaporation. However, if drying does occur, either due to natural losses or due to groundwater withdrawals, peat decomposition is possible, along with cascading increases in available nitrogen, increasing the risk of invasive species. Although some characteristic plant species appear to tolerate warmer temperatures, most have strict hydrologic requirements.

Open Bog is moderate to highly vulnerable to climate change. Decreased water levels resulting in drying may result in peat decomposition and increased nitrogen availability, that may shift composition to sedge meadow and invasive species.

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In large peatland basins with no inlets or outlets, the balance of precipitation to evaporation is crucial. Warmer temperatures may increase water losses, and unless precipitation also increases, eventual drying could occur, touching off peat decomposition and increases in available nitrogen, increasing the risk of invasive species or encroachment by sedge meadow species. Risk of catastrophic wildfire may increase, and fires that consume subsurface peat would be detrimental, though less severe fires could be a benefit. Impact could be lessened by several factors.

Northern Sedge Meadow is moderate to highly vulnerable to climate change. Potential changes in hydrology may have the greatest impacts, due to either consistently lower or higher water levels that may result in large shifts in species composition.

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Potential changes in hydrology are anticipated to have the greatest impacts to Northern Sedge Meadows, with either consistently lower or higher water levels leading to large changes in species composition. Exactly how precipitation, evaporation, groundwater infiltration, and other factors that influence water levels will change, however, is uncertain. On the positive side, many of the dominant plant species of Northern Sedge Meadows are widespread in Wisconsin, also occur well to the south and are adapted to fluctuating water levels.

Moist Sandy Meadows are highly vulnerable to climate change. Potential changes in groundwater and seepage lake levels could have severe consequences for these communities.

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Potential changes in groundwater and seepage lake levels could have severe consequences for these communities. Higher temperatures, longer growing seasons, and corresponding increases in evapotranspiration will result in more water leaving the system. This could be exacerbated by anthropogenic demand for groundwater resources. However, projected increases in annual precipitation may offset some of these losses. If water tables drop, tree and shrub invasion is likely along with conversion to non-wetland species.

Ephemeral Ponds are moderately to highly vulnerable to climate change related to higher evapotranspiration rates and longer dry spells that may dry ponds earlier and adversely impact species that require inundation for larval development.

Submitted by dshannon on

Ephemeral Ponds are often defined based on the amphibians and invertebrates that use them, especially those for which ponds are their primary breeding habitat. Warmer temperatures, higher evapotranspiration rates and longer dry spells could lead to some ponds drying up earlier, which could adversely impact species that require inundation for larval development. Extreme precipitation events could also adversely impact species as well as increase the risk of invasion by non-native plants like reed canary grass.

Emergent Marsh is highly vulnerable to climate change due to more frequent and intense storms that exacerbate sedimentation and nutrient enrichment and possible shift to non-native invasives such as narrow-leaved cat-tails.

Submitted by dshannon on

More frequent, higher intensity storms are likely to exacerbate sedimentation and nutrient enrichment. While a detriment to many species, cat-tail, and other marsh generalists may benefit from these disturbances. However, invasive species, including narrow-leaf and hybrid cat-tail, may also benefit, possibly shifting species dominance to non-native cat-tail. Potentially changing precipitation patterns could increase the variability of water level fluctuations, however, Emergent Marsh is highly adapted to, and even benefits from natural fluctuation.

Coastal Plain Marsh is highly vulnerable to climate change due to altered hydrology that lowers water levels and allows tree and shrub invasion.

Submitted by dshannon on

Potential changes in groundwater and seepage lake levels could have severe consequences for these communities. Higher temperatures, longer growing seasons, and corresponding increases in evapotranspiration will result in more water leaving the system. This could be exacerbated by anthropogenic demand for groundwater resources. However, projected increases in annual precipitation may offset some of these losses. If water tables drop, tree and shrub invasion is likely along with conversion to non-wetland species.

Central Poor Fen is highly vulnerable to climate change due to changes in hydrology, higher temperatures, longer growing seasons and related impacts to vegetation such as peat loss, tree and shrub invasion.

Submitted by dshannon on

Potential changes to hydrology could have adverse impacts on Central Poor Fen. Higher temperatures, longer growing seasons, and corresponding increases in evapotranspiration will result in more water leaving the system. This could be exacerbated by anthropogenic demand for groundwater resources in some areas. However, projected increases in annual precipitation may offset some of these losses. If water tables drop, peat loss and tree and shrub invasion is likely, as is the risk of damaging wildfire. Invasive species are also an increasingly problematic threat.