
Agriculture strategies/approaches.

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Submitted by Maria on

Step 2.2: Assess climate change vulnerability

After considering the unique ways that your farm or project may be affected by climate change, you can assess its overall level of vulnerability or risk. A system’s vulnerability is based on the combination of climate change impacts that are expected and the ability of the system to adjust to those changes with minimal disruption.

For each management topic listed below use the slider bar to make your decision.


Submitted by Maria on

Step 1.2: Define your current management objectives

The Adaptation Workbook is designed to help you think clearly about your existing goals and objectives. The rest of the process will depend on the information you provide on this page, so please think carefully and provide as much detail as necessary to capture your management intentions.

Associated agricultural lands

Submitted by sdhandler on

Land associated with farms and ranches that are not purposefully managed for food, forage, or fiber and are typically associated with nearby production or conservation lands. This could include incidental areas, such as idle center pivot corners, odd areas, ditches and watercourses, riparian areas, field edges, seasonal and permanent wetlands, and other similar areas.