Lowland Conifer

Submitted by Maria on

A broad range of forested wetlands with a conifer or mixed conifer-hardwood overstory. These forested wetlands typically have saturated soils, which may also be seasonally flooded. Many of these forests are associated with limestone or other calcareous substrate and have acidic and nutrient-poor soils. Soils are primarily mineral, though there may be peat development or organic muck accumulation in headwater wetlands and depressions. Various conifer species may be present based on local conditions, such as black spruce, tamarack, and eastern hemlock. Black ash, yellow birch, and red maple are common associates in many sites. High elevation sites (1200 feet) in southern Pennsylvania are cool enough to also support red spruce and balsam fir.

Adaptive Capacity
Potential Impacts
Very disruptive to ecosystem