Coastal Plain Oak-Pine-Hardwood

Submitted by Maria on

Situated on the Atlantic coastal plain, this type is limited to well-drained soils on flat to rolling hills and dunes. Relatively high rates of fine litter production and accumulation coupled with dry conditions foster periodic fire, which promotes several oak species, including white, southern red, chestnut, black, Shumard oak and scarlet oak. Numerous hardwood species may be present as co-dominants in mesic and early successional sites, including red maple, sassafras, gray birch, bigtooth and quaking aspen, and hazelnut. Dry sites in the southerly locations support pine species, including pitch, Virginia, loblolly, and shortleaf pine. In more mesic areas, a mix of American beech and sugar maple can dominate over a mix of oaks and pines (loblolly, shortleaf, Virginia).

Adaptive Capacity
Potential Impacts