White pine may maintain a steady amount of suitable habitat and biomass across northern Wisconsin and western Upper Michigan under mild climate scenarios, but may decline under warmer, drier scenarios.

Submitted by sdhandler on

White pine can tolerate a wide range of soil and moisture conditions. This species may do well with a moderate amount of future warming, but models indicate that white pine will fare worse under hotter, drier climate scenarios. Under the most extreme temperature increases, warming in the assessment area may exceed the physiological limits of white pine. Although white pine is not projected to have increased habitat suitability or productivity, its wide ecological amplitude may enhance its ability to persist across a range of sites. The ability of white pine to disperse seed and be a pioneer species in gaps and open areas also suggests that it will be able to effectively colonize newly suitable habitat. Minor components of this forest type, such as northern red oak, northern pin oak, and red maple, also have mixed projections, although jack pine is generally expected to decline.