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Hawai'i is prone to severe drought, which is likely to continue and worsen as climate change progresses.

Submitted by KGiesting on

Warmer temperatures and decreased cloud cover in some areas are likely to result in greater evaporation rates, leading to reductions in water supply and increases in demand. Hawai'i has already experienced a trend toward increasing drought conditions during the winter rainy season. Decreased soil moisture increases plant stress, with impacts to agricultural and natural systems.

Third National Climate Assessment - Hawaii

Warmer oceans are leading to increased coral bleaching and disease outbreaks and changing distribution of tuna fisheries. Freshwater supplies will become more limited on many islands. Coastal flooding and erosion will increase. Mounting threats to food and water security, infrastructure, health, and safety are expected to lead to increasing human migration.

Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation in the Intermountain Region Part 2

The vulnerability assessment emphasized key resource areas—water, fisheries, vegetation and disturbance, wildlife, recreation, infrastructure, cultural heritage, and ecosystem services—regarded as the most important for ecosystems and human communities

Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation in the Intermountain Region Part 1

The vulnerability assessment emphasized key resource areas—water, fisheries, vegetation and disturbance, wildlife, recreation, infrastructure, cultural heritage, and ecosystem services—regarded as the most important for ecosystems and human communities