
Agriculture strategies/approaches.

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Around 1990, the frequency of Trade Wind Inversions (TWI) increased dramatically. This has led to drier conditions in high elevation ecosystems.

Submitted by KGiesting on

The rainfall declines associated with increased frequency of TWI seem to be having ecological impacts, such as decreased rainfall in some areas. These changes impact native plants, such as the Haleakalā silversword, the populations of which have experienced a 60% decline since the early 1990s.

Hawaii is home to a wide variety of ecological habitats with more than 1000 native plant species; many are threatened or endangered.

Submitted by KGiesting on

90% of the terrestrial species are endemic (unique to the region), and many are threatened or endangered. Habitat loss and alteration, and the spread of invasive plants have all contribute to extinctions and ecosystem decline. Sea level rise is expected to severely impact low-lying areas, including coastal plants, nesting seabirds, seals, and turtles.

Sea surface temperatures and acidity are now the highest in recorded history. Coral bleaching is projected to occur annually by 2045.

Submitted by KGiesting on

Ocean acidification and coral bleaching will lead to loss of coastal habitats and negatively impact the productivity of fisheries. The productivity of ocean fisheries is anticipated to decline by up to 50% by late century. By late century, under a high emissions scenario, nearly all coral reefs are expected to be severely compromised by ocean acidification. Currently, coral reef cover is at 38%; by late century, the amount is projected to be less than 1%.

Hawai'i is prone to severe drought, which is likely to continue and worsen as climate change progresses.

Submitted by KGiesting on

Warmer temperatures and decreased cloud cover in some areas are likely to result in greater evaporation rates, leading to reductions in water supply and increases in demand. Hawai'i has already experienced a trend toward increasing drought conditions during the winter rainy season. Decreased soil moisture increases plant stress, with impacts to agricultural and natural systems.

Third National Climate Assessment - Hawaii

Warmer oceans are leading to increased coral bleaching and disease outbreaks and changing distribution of tuna fisheries. Freshwater supplies will become more limited on many islands. Coastal flooding and erosion will increase. Mounting threats to food and water security, infrastructure, health, and safety are expected to lead to increasing human migration.